
As a pet owner living in an apartment, cleaning up after our furry friends can be a daunting task. Pet hair, litter, and spills can quickly accumulate and create a mess. This is where the Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro comes in handy. This robot vacuum is designed to simplify your cleaning routine and keep your apartment spotless. In this review, we will explore the features and benefits of the Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro from the perspective of a cat person.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Review

Cat Fur Cleaner Extraordinaire 

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Laid Out

One of the standout features of the Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro is its pet-friendly design. The device is equipped with a high-efficiency filter that captures pet hair and other undesirables, reducing the allergens in your home. The robot’s powerful suction of up to 3000Pa ensures that no dirt or debris is left behind, making it perfect for pet owners who want to maintain a clean and hygienic living space.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Mop Attachment

The device also comes with a mop attachment that allows it to clean hard floors and tiles effectively. This is particularly useful for pet owners who have messy eaters or pets that shed a lot. The mop attachment ensures that any spills or stains are removed (specifically some questionable wet ones left by my cat), leaving your floors spotless. But it should be noted that if you have a large apartment you may need to refill the water tank as it is a bit small.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Mop Water Tank

It also would benefit from ensuring that there are no carpets around as the robot can easily get stuck with the mop attachment on. For larger wet messes eg: wet hairball, vomit pools, or number ones or twos, it’s better to manually clean them instead. 

Efficient Navigation

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Sensor

The Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro features advanced navigation technology that enables it to clean your apartment efficiently. The device uses a LDS laser navigation system that scans and maps your home, creating a virtual map that it uses to navigate. This means that the robot can clean your apartment without bumping into obstacles or getting stuck under furniture. It does need abit of tweaking at times though if there are furniture that gets moved around a lot in the apartment.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Sensor 2

When I first started mapping my apartment on the program, I failed to take into account the cat food bowls and water fountains that I frequently move about and that has caused a few mishaps. After re-mapping within the app to ensure that those food bowls were not captured, the robot was able to avoid it accordingly when it’s there and clean around it as required! Surprisingly it is able to differentiate between a wall and an object, which is why the first mapping step was crucial. It does take some time to edit within the app to correct the map to let it know exactly where the borders are.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Rear

Aside from that, the robot is equipped with zoning capabilities within the app that can help map out and plan your cleaning areas. You can highlight certain areas as a no-cleaning zone as well (for example areas like litter boxes or scratchpads). This feature ensures that your pet and the device are safe from any accidents (or huge messes) that could occur during the cleaning process. It also reduces the undue stress you could put your cats under while the robot is cleaning.

Customizable Cleaning

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Modes

The Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro offers a customizable cleaning experience that caters to your specific needs as a cat owner. The device comes with an app that allows you to schedule cleaning times and customize the cleaning mode to suit your preferences. The great thing about this feature is that it helps with ensuring that the robot vacuum is doing daily maintenance even when you are not around. There were numerous times where I could get the Xiaomi Robot Vacuum to clean a specific area in my house remotely by just using the mobile app.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Trash Compartment

For cat owners such as myself, the device offers a hi-power cleaning mode that focuses on removing pet hair and dirt. There is one thing I wished that the robot vacuum was able to do though, in the daily schedule of cleaning it would have been great if there was support for the robot to be able to notify when the trash compartment was full. Numerous times while testing the product for over a month, I only knew to empty out the trash compartment when it was shuffling cat fur around my apartment floor. A notification on the mobile app or even an audible alert from the robot itself would have been helpful. 

Quiet Operation

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Cat

One of the main concerns of pet owners living in apartments is the noise level of cleaning devices. The Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro addresses this concern by operating quietly, producing a noise level of only 69 decibels. This means that the device can clean your home without disturbing your pet or your neighbors.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Silent Operation

This feature is especially helpful since I have pets that are easily spooked! When I first used the Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro in silent mode, they were more curious about it than being afraid of it. The silent mode also enables me to run the cleaning program while I’m asleep without bothering me or my pets!


Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Closing

Overall, the Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro is a highly effective and efficient cleaning device that caters to the needs of pet owners living in apartments. At its retail price point of MYR 1,499 it is a fairly decent robot helper in “maintaining the cleanliness” of your space. It also helps that it is compatible with other IOT products from Xiaomi so they can actually be controlled through one APP. 

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro Cat 2

Though it is abit pricey as an entry level cleaning robot, it is a nice upgrade from the basic model with some enhanced features. The bigger battery and companion app that enables zoning and scheduling makes it well worth the money. As a cat owner myself the Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Mop 2 Pro helps me enjoy more quality time with my cats and less time worrying about cleaning up after them.


  • Zone Cleaning is clutch: Multiple times I’ve used this feature. It helps that I can choose the zone area that I’d like to clean. With pets, I can easily cordon them off those areas so that they don’t break the robot cleaning program.
  • Schedule cleaning is super helpful: Using the robot alone to clean your house is not the best but being able to schedule frequent cleaning times helps me maintain the deep cleaning I do fortnightly.
  • It can go the distance!: The device can run for up to 150 minutes on a single charge, making it suitable for cleaning larger apartments.
  • Large dustbin capacity: The device’s dustbin can hold up to 550ml of dirt and debris, reducing the frequency of emptying it.
  • High-quality sensors: The device has an obstacle sensor that ensures it avoids any obstacles and doesn’t get stuck, and a bumper that prevents damage to furniture.

Wished For

  • Full rubbish indicator: Kinda wish there was an indicator of some sort. Because with the scheduler, it’s rather easy to forget to clean out the trash compartment in the robot. Though the larger bin capacity does help counter that abit.
  • Cleaner Corners as it is not its forte: Not meant to be a “clean-it-all” solution. Perfect to maintain the cleanliness of your home. If your home is a studio apartment or doesn’t have too many sections/rooms it does the job well!
  • Lifters of some sort: It doesn’t play well with carpets or floor mats as there were a number of times where the robot got caught. So much so that I have even opted for thinner rugs and mats in my home. But asking for lifters is abit much for the price point.
  • More thought into the Mop feature: Personally I don’t use this attachment. The water tank is too small for it to be practical and it just gets caught on everything. If you are living in a rug-less or mat-less home then yeah sure. It could work if you attached it to mop a specific place in your home rather than cleaning the whole house with it.